Covenant-WoW - Discussion Areas > Introduce Yourself

Been long overdue!


Unkle Nuke:
It's about time I signed up here at Covenant! Glad to be here and join in the fun.  8)

I'm a huge WoW fan, but like to play for fun. I'm not the sort that will use those online tools to calculate my Gear iLvl or DPS to the n-th decimal, preferring to just take it as it comes while adventuring in Azeroth. I love exploring, poking my nose into corners (sometimes that gets me in trouble!), have to do every quest, and will run every dungeon, raid, and battleground I can. I'm not too good with dueling and arenas, but always willing to give it a shot and try learning to be better at PvP.

If I can help to build up Covenant, please let me know.

Really looking forward to seeing what you've done with the servers, Max! 


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