Covenamt-WoW - Help & Support > Bug Reports


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Ashyen and Keleth, the 'ancients' no longer grant marks (Att-power and spell-power) in Cenarion refuge, Zangarmarsh.
Though they granted those before the latest updates. Furthermore, hunter traps won't work in outland. Tested immolation trap and explosive trap, none of them working. There is also a intermittent combat bug where it sometimes doesn't help as you try to kill something after finding it on, (to turn it off). You have to find the specific creature that 'set it' to turn it off in those cases. While it's on you can't rest, use your mount, mana, etc, and logging out gets you killed.  [Arelion's Mistress] Falcon watch, is bugged, can't use the scroll of retribution, as she won't move to a 'discrete location'.

Thanks for the report will make an issue at getmangos website for it

Np, you got another in [Spirits of Stonemaul Hold] (Dustwallow marsh). No awakened ogre-spirits to fight any longer. Although it worked for Opti leveling, it doesn't any more. And there's a really weird one in Booty Bay, the one where I get thrown out running up, or down, the (wharf) slope directly leading to the inn. That one constantly surprise me as I tend to forget it And I don't get why, or how, it does it either? As I said, could be my client of wow, you better test it and see.

Although, if it would be my client then there shouldn't be a server rollback when I log on again, should there? Because that's what happens after I get thrown out, the server backs it up to an earlier stage for me.

ta, will pass this on.


I have created issues for each of these, you might want to reply to any of them with further details so the developers don't get confused. It would also be a good idea to post any bugs you find directly to the tracker in future


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