Covenamt-WoW - Help & Support > Bug Reports

Shifting Moon - Rathis Tomber


If I recall correctly, Rathis Tomber did not offer any goods for sale until after you completed "Tomber's Supplies".  It doesn't break anything, but if we want it to be truly blizz-like then the current situation where he has goods for sale immediately is a bug.

Just noting, on completion of the quest Tomber's Supplies, he says "With the rest of my supplies here, I can finally open shop"

Ok thanks

Duly noted! I'll start looking into this, perhaps see if it's being worked on now at the repo. It seems like a simple flag setting script would remedy this problem. It may have been overlooked based on the nature of the quest's logic and I'm just getting familiar with the core functions and what not but this should definitely be doable. It's added to my short list of fixes!


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