Covenant-WoW - Discussion Areas > Introduce Yourself

Greetings :)


Hello everyone,

Nostalgia strikes again to paraphrase a favourite song;
Guess that would be enough many memories with this game, friends, loved ones. Every once in a while i get the urge to go back, just a trip down memory lane. Time stopped with Sunwell (last TBC patch) far as i am concerned. It was a pointer to the future, and a sore one. Though one must admit they were steadfast, i mean they did eventually manage to kick us all out! Took some effort that, so there you go i guess ^^
Anway, being a dedicated 'carebear' i think your term is, (see it branded on my forehead), what usually stops me is the type of servers available. Whiiiiich, just like here unless a miracle occured, means PvP ones only! Woo hoo..not

But anyway, lol, you never know! Thought i'd introduce myself, maybe i give it a shot regardless. You see an undead mage named Aenra, say hi yeah?

Hello there!

Welcome to covenant-wow, we hope you enjoy you're stay here  :)


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