Covenamt-WoW - Help & Support > Bug Reports

Cosmic Ray bug thread

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- NPC Sovik (Orgrimmar, 76.25) should have a limited (x1) recipe of Red Fireworks ( ) to sell. He does not.

- there is a certain range at which NPCs grow "wary" of a stealthed character. Remaining within it keeps you stealthed, proceeding further on the same axis you had been moving on makes you revealed to them. It is lacking here entirely. You go from stealthed to revealed, no inbetween phase. During said phase, there should have been both an animation (NPCs look left and right) and a visual indicator (a particle fx above their heads) indicating that this is happening. That is your warning.

- Rogue skill Ambush wrongly indicates in its tooltip that it "requires a dagger in the main hand". It should read "requires daggers in both hands". And obviously, remain greyed out in your skill bar unless you are dual equipped with daggers. Am too low to buy the skill, see if it's wrong both in action and tooltip, but am sure you can check that out

- it seems this affects all classes; under skills in Craracter ('C') tab, only two of the three Class Skills are listed. Had this on my warlock, same on a rogue, got Assassination and Combat correctly listed, the third, Subtlety, is missing

- under weapon skills, again within the Skills sub-category, Fist Weapons are not listed at all, even though i have had them trained

- placing ammunition in the paper doll ammo slot does absolutely nothing. Even though the image "changes" to match that of the supposed ammo, it is in fact empty, and the actual ammo remains in your inventory/bank. Should have been put in the ammo slot and disappeared from any bags.

- even more surprisingly, despite the above, guns shoot...!


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