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Messages - blesingri

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Speed buff in WSG
« on: January 17, 2014, 12:58:21 pm »
The buff you should pick up and increase your speed in WSG simply does not work. It does not increase the speed.

Bug Reports / Rising Fun - Hilary's Necklace
« on: January 16, 2014, 11:02:33 pm »
diz qust iz buged man.

Quest name: Hilary's Necklace
Realm: Rising Fun
Quest link: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=3741/hilarys-necklace

I was looking for the pile of dirt in the lake, but didn't found it.

Community General Discussion / GM application
« on: January 11, 2014, 11:34:10 am »
Are there GMs?
Yes, The developers at getMaNGOS are all full GMs.
We will always consider others to be a GM on the realm... just make a topic and we will look into it.
(You will need to be an active member of the realm, have skype and be willing to be interviewed by one of our developers).

Well i found the last sentence interesting so i said to myself:"Okay, application time!"
Name:Teodor, simply Teo
Age: 14 ( No lies)
Played WoW since: 2008 (Yup since 8 years)
Do you have any GM experience?
Yes i do, and one of your developers knows that, but i've been more then once. I have experience to deal with any kind of
situations by now.
What are you going to do if you see a hacker?
Well, this server has low population now, so i won't ban, but i'll freeze him, so he won't be able to do anything in the next week or so.
Can you do something to increase the server population?
Yes i can try.
Do you have experience with testing?
Yes i do.
What position do you apply for?
GM, possibly 3, if no - 2.
Do you know the GM rules?
Yes i do.
A player tells you in a ticket or world chat or whisper that a quest doesn't work and he wants you to complete it for him. What are you going to do?
I will not complete it of course, I will test it and if it is really bugged, I'll report it on the forum.
Do you have any scripting or programming experience?
Yes, but that won't help at all.

Introduce Yourself / Teodor
« on: January 10, 2014, 10:54:31 pm »
Hello! my name is Teodor, or simply Teo.
My in game name is þoþ or something i can't type now.
Well what to know for me.... I have sister with strange name, I've been playing retail for a month and quit. No money to give for games yet.
I have some Gamemastering experience, been coding in HTML and CSS once or twice, but totally forgot em both.
Looking forward for C++ and C.
New player of this server, I'll try to make it popular!

Pages: [1]

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