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Topics - Anonymous

Pages: [1]
Suggestion Area / playerbot &Ahbot !!
« on: February 03, 2014, 11:49:54 pm »
Well as we all know the population is a bit low so to fix this we add Ah And player bots and they actually exist and can be easily added

this bots will help  players level ,farm and have some fun

Community General Discussion / Nexam -Game master!
« on: January 29, 2014, 08:42:32 pm »
Name: Sam Alexander
Played WoW since: since the late vanilla then played TBC on retail for couple months then Quit and then played other Vanilla Private server for like 3 years
Do you have any GM experience? Yes, I was a GM in Evilbox the realm was called Genesis and the PvE realm was called Exodus
What are you going to do if you see a hacker? I will warn him first time and tell him not to use it again if he will do it again he will get a 48hours banned and if he use it again he will get a banned forever
Can you do something to increase the server population? I will make a Promo Video which show the good Points of the sever and why they should join.
Do you have experience with testing? Yes , and i did all raids encounters up to Naxxramas so i can notice the Bugs and the wrong sides.
What position do you apply for? Iam applying for a Senior Gamemaster or A Game master with rank of 3-2
Do you know the GM rules? Yes , and i know what to do and what not to do  as a GM
A player tells you in a ticket or world chat or whisper that a quest doesn't work and he wants you to complete it for him. What are you going to do? I will not Complete any quests ,if it is bugged i will post it on forum and if its resolvable i will try to do my best to help him
Do you have any scripting or programming experience? No , Not really i never did Any type of scripting but ready to learn if needed like doing Repacks

Connection / Is Rising Fun down i can login :(
« on: January 17, 2014, 08:46:13 pm »
I tried to log on and cant its keep stuck on connecting then nothing happen tired deleting WDB file
but i can log on other servers

Bug Reports / Rising Fun - Loot Proplem /Bug
« on: January 17, 2014, 07:20:40 pm »
Subject :Rising fun -Loot Bug
I noticed that you cant loot unless loot is set to Grouploot and not all players can see the loot like its some kind of robin round loot
so every player will see loot from mob /boss once then until the other players get thier turns ,his round will come even it is set on Group loot or any other type of loot .

Bug Reports / Duels/PvP issue
« on: January 17, 2014, 07:15:52 pm »
Hello ,I noticed a bug in duels /pvp that when u stun /frezze or do fear or any other spell the target will keep moving just like there is some kind of lag , but there is no lag and this issue was reported by many players or at least we discussed about it .
i may post a video soon!

Pages: [1]

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