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Topics - yoron

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Outland Blacktalon
« on: July 27, 2014, 05:28:11 pm »
'Blacktalon the savage' --- coming to the cave is drawing so much mobs,  stonescyth alphas and whelps, that you have to fight your whole way in, and Blacktalon himself has no problem with two hunters 64 and 60? Don't remember it being this tough before?  Could have to do with aggro but even with the pet down it seemed to draw mobs

Bug Reports / outlands
« on: July 07, 2014, 09:50:56 pm »
Ashyen and Keleth, the 'ancients' no longer grant marks (Att-power and spell-power) in Cenarion refuge, Zangarmarsh.
Though they granted those before the latest updates. Furthermore, hunter traps won't work in outland. Tested immolation trap and explosive trap, none of them working. There is also a intermittent combat bug where it sometimes doesn't help as you try to kill something after finding it on, (to turn it off). You have to find the specific creature that 'set it' to turn it off in those cases. While it's on you can't rest, use your mount, mana, etc, and logging out gets you killed.  [Arelion's Mistress] Falcon watch, is bugged, can't use the scroll of retribution, as she won't move to a 'discrete location'.

Bug Reports / Multi boxing and the AH?
« on: July 06, 2014, 06:12:18 pm »
As I'm playing on the tbc side with only a few people on line, I've been trying to upgrade  a fellow huntress :)

Why not let the AH buy, just as the time goes out for the items being sold, as a suggestion. So if I set it at 24 h, then I will know it will ultimately get sold, at least some portion of the items, but only after 23 h & 59 minutes :)

Have fun :)

Bug Reports / Stonetalon mountains
« on: July 06, 2014, 05:54:20 pm »
[Harpies Threaten] Stonetalon mountains. Can't find any bloodfury ambushers existing. My questhelper sometimes think there are some, but as I go there I find nothing :) And yes, been running throught the area several times.

Pages: [1]

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