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Messages - Quickwitted

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Re: Warlock quests
« on: October 09, 2014, 02:46:08 pm »
The quest "Kroshius' Internal Core is bugged, the item won't spawn him.

Bug Reports / Server Crash (Warlock quest bug)
« on: October 07, 2014, 10:47:10 pm »
Every time I tried to loot the Rod for the quest "Tome of the cabal" the server crashed (2 times in a row)

Bug Reports / Warlock quests
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:38:56 pm »
The Quest "Heartswood" doesn't let me leave the zone if I have the item, if I Hearthstone or leave the zone the item disappears from my bag.
Turns into (failed)

Bug Reports / Re: Northrend, less detailed bug-post.
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:02:41 pm »
Wintergrasp is broken out of control.

Timer is at 0:00:00 until battle starts and then resets back to 2:29:00
Both horde and the alliance controls it 24/7
Can't use teleporters
etc, needs fix from the ground up.

Bug Reports / Northrend, less detailed bug-post.
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:37:57 pm »
I've started questing in Northrend and I'm working on a detailed post on all quests that's broken.

I'm currently doing Dragonblight; it's hard to create a post about this since if one quest is broken, I can no longer continue testing because of all the quest-lines there is in Northrend.

Here's a less detailed post to start out with, will make a more detailed in-depth post with questnames and itemnames that are broken next weekend.

[s:1lpgfwtw]Howling Fjord, first few quests doesn't work. Feeding dog isn't possible.[/s:1lpgfwtw] Seems fixed now.

[s:1lpgfwtw]Borean Thundra, can do first starter quests, phasing seems odd, questing suddenly stops after 6-7 quests, no NPC's[/s:1lpgfwtw] Seems fixed now.

Sholazar Basin, all quests I've done so far works fine(done 30x), no bugged quests at the moment, don't think there will be any either.

Zul'drak, Questing is fine everywhere, only few quests I couldn't do was the one where you turn in to a ghoul for the NPC "Stefan", the item doesn't work.

Storm Peaks, questing seems fine up until Brunnhildar Village (First quest where you are supposed to turn into a viking-woman, phasing seems off since the quests suddenly stops and there's no NPC with more quests, anywhere.

Icecrown, can't complete "Scourge Tactics" it's broken (First quest available) so can't continue questing in Ice Crown, need to complete this in order to "unluck" the rest of Icecrown's questlines.

Argent Tournament, can't pick up a lance and thus one is not able to start questing here at all.

Suggestion Area / VP / DP - Rewards
« on: October 04, 2014, 12:08:20 pm »
Hello there!

I've been voting for this website since I started play and I wonder what kind of rewards VP and DP will be, I don't know if you've already started working on rewards or not but I'd like to start a discussion about the rewards.

I'd hate to see overpowered and/or custom items as rewards and I don't think they'll fit the Blizzlike servers.

In my opinion, rewards for VP should be pointless items that doesn't really help at all in gameplay; although it would be cool to have heirlooms for VP on the wotlk server, for a high cost.

DP on the other hand should of course be a higher reward, still not OP/custom, but still better than VP for obvious reasons. TCG-items is popular DP rewards and it seems to be the best items to use for this.

I'd really like an answer to what players think the VP/DP rewards should be and if possible some input from GM's/admins on what they're planning on doing with it.

Bug Reports / Re: Death Knight Class bugs
« on: October 04, 2014, 09:54:32 am »
Yeah, I understand. PM'd you about something that might help!

Bug Reports / Re: Death Knight Class bugs
« on: October 04, 2014, 09:43:37 am »
Death Knight is almost unplayable at the moment, 50% of all talents does nothing.

Bug Reports / Re: Death Knight Class bugs
« on: October 03, 2014, 09:01:36 pm »
Raise dead doesn't work, I've tried with corpses and with corpse dust, no difference.
Making Unholy unplayable at the moment due to this.

Talent "Bloodworms" doesn't work, nothing spawns. Tried for hours now while questing, not a single one.

Talent "Improved Blood Presence" is broken as well, no healing converted to other presences, tried over multiple healings and fights. Only working thing about Blood presence is the 15% damage increase.

Talent "Bloody Vengeance" isn't working, no buff after critting, tried over multiple hours now.

Talent "Blade Barrier" isn't working, no buff or decrease in damage taken.

Talent "Sudden doom" isn't working, no proc from either attacks, tried for several hours now.

Talent "Killing Machine" is broken and does nothing.

Bug Reports / Death Knight Class bugs
« on: October 03, 2014, 04:49:53 pm »
Hello there!

The talent "Blood of the North" doesn't work, blood strike or pestilience doesn't convert blood runes to death runes. (Needs fix asap, gamebreaking issue)

Blood presence does not heal me for 4% of damage done, it doesn't heal me at all, no matter which attack I do.

Talent "Reaping" doesn't work, no death runes.

Talent "Death Rune Mastery" doesn't work at all either.

Talent "Mark of Blood" doesn't work at all. The debuff does nothing.

Talent "Vendetta" doesn't work either, not a single heal on any mob.

Talent "Butchery" doesn't work, neither of the two things it does. No runic power gained from it.

The attacks "Plague Strike" and "Icy Touch" is supposed to put Blood Plague and Frost fever on the enemies, they do, sometimes:
If I miss Plague Strike, Blood Plague sometimes hits.
If I hit Plague Strike, Blood Plague sometimes misses.
They are supposed to be the same, but they have two different "spells" in one spell. It's very annoying to hit a spell but miss the dot. Needs fix asap.

Bug Reports / Death Knight Starting Area bugs
« on: October 03, 2014, 03:29:50 pm »
Hello there!

I'm currently leveling a Death Knight and the Quests:
 "Massacre At Light's Point" is currently bugged:

First off, the Scarlet Cannon used to kill the mobs is move-able, and goes apeshit when hit.
Secondly, the mobs you kill for this quest isn't supposed to give XP and can be abused since they gave A LOT of xp when killed.

The Quest "An End To All Things" is bugged and can not be finished, the frost wyrm used to attack the mobs doesn't have mana and thus cannot use it's ability to kill things, he also cannot fly. Which leaves me stuck in DK starter area for the moment.

Easy fix would be to drop the manacost for the dragons attack to 0(Frozen Deathbolt) and increase his health since his health is at 1, the dragons name is Frostbrood Vanquisher


The last quest, the battle event is so bugged I don't even know where to start:
"The Light of Dawn"

All NPC's are naked... Yeah.
All scourge are hitting eachother instead of the humans, a very few of them are attackable and most just stand there, taking the blows, immortal.
Luckily, the event seems to be based on time not on amount of kills done by the teams, so it gets completed after a while and is still do-able and complete-able.

Will Edit this post with more quests in DK start area if I find more bugs.

Introduce Yourself / Quick
« on: October 03, 2014, 02:05:00 pm »
Hello there!

My name is Quick and I'm going to play at the 3.3.5 server as a Death Knight, hoping we'll get more players soon.


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