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Messages - psydefx

Pages: [1]
nah, i'm horde.  there's actually usually no one on... i'm surprised these servers stay running.

hello.  been playing on the server for almost a month now.  a couple of weeks ago, the automated auction house stopped working... the ah usually carries random stuff to bid or buyout on, but now nothing is there.

it would be great if a mod could get it going again, thanks.

Bug Reports / Re: Cosmic Ray bug thread
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:32:33 pm »
the mining nodes spawning in bunches are still a problem.  no big deal though - i'm happy to have somewhere to play because besides that everything has been perfect.

Introduce Yourself / Re: hallo.
« on: July 24, 2015, 03:35:09 am »
Quote from: "Glory"
hey mate , welcome hope you enjoy your stay,  i don't  know what clan u are playing  so maybe if you going horde we can play together

thanks for the warm welcome.  i actually plan on going it solo, but maybe i'll c ya out there :)

Introduce Yourself / hallo.
« on: July 23, 2015, 01:16:19 pm »
man, this place is pretty barren, isn't it?  i'm surprised more people aren't into just pve.  anyway, i'm going to start leveling a warrior so shout outs to the folks responsible for keeping this server going for just a few people, if that.

i did choose vanilla because i prefer the higher level of difficulty (this is true, right?).  how much easier is the burning crusade and where was bascially the point where veteran wow players got mad that blizzard nerfed the game?

Pages: [1]

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