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Topics - k3524

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Bug Reports / Cylina Darkheart Imp Id Issue
« on: August 05, 2014, 03:56:03 am »
Title: Cylina Darkheart Imp Id Issue
Server: Shifting Moon (PvP) TBC (MaNGOSOne)
Level of Severity: Minor - Quality of Life Change
Steps to Reproduce: Head to Lion's Pride Inn at Gold Shire as an alliance. Head to the basement.
Comments: For some reason (perhaps a mismatch on an id or something similar) is causing Cylina's Imp Minion to show in Red, but not be targeted by attacks from Alliance members. The Imp shows the faction as being Stormwind. No relevant data could be retrieved from a clean MaNGOS One Database.

Title: Starting Melee Attack in Aggro Range Aggros Neutral Monsters

Server: Rising Moon (PvP) The Burning Crusade (MaNGOSOne)

Level of Severity: Game-Altering

Steps to Reproduce: Use a class with a melee weapon, right click a neutral unit and walk into it's range. The attack registers and the unit moves towards you as though it is aggro'd.

Comments: It is my belief that this is unintentional. The entire purpose for yellow units is that they must be neutral. While registering an attack on the players end should cause them to start an attack when in range, it should not invoke the neutral monster. I played WoW extensively and don't remember this being a feature, however if I am incorrect please let me know. If this is confirmed as a bug, I will be looking through the code to find a fix for it.

Bug Reports / Posting Bug Reports
« on: August 04, 2014, 11:31:13 pm »
Hey everyone! I know I'm probably going to get shot down for this, especially as a new member and what not but I thought I'd offer a little assistance.

Since MaNGOS Zero switched to the Eluna Lua engine, I have decided to get back into WoW and start contributing again. That being said, I'll be mainly doing my debugging and research from the Covenant server while having my own copies to work bugs out with. I'd appreciate if we could get a standard for bug reporting established so that it makes it easier to pinpoint issues.

If you could, when posting to the bug report forum discussion, use the following template in order to better help me help you:

Title of Bug: Give a short, yet descriptive title for your bug. This can be set as your subject for your post. An example would be: "Paladin Aura is not Buffing Allies".

Server: What server is this occurring on? Sometimes issues won't be core specific but it's very possible.

Level of Severity: How much of an issue is this? Is it an inconvenience? Is it preventing game progression? Did it cause a client crash?

Steps to Reproduce: Walk us through how you can replicate this bug. If it's with a spell, it probably won't be too long of an explanation.

Comments: Do you have any other information to share?

If your client crashed, it may be worth attaching your log of the crash found in: WoW Directory/Errors.

Thank you for reading this, by using this format it will allow for more, quality information to be passed on to the developers or to myself.

Pages: [1]

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