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Messages - Sistine

Pages: [1]
Suggestion Area / Character/Guild Transfers
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:36:44 pm »
I think this could help people who don't want to be on their current server but don't want to re-level. If they have already done it on a blizzlike server I don't think it could hurt. Possibly put restrictions on gold and gear so they have incentive to run dungeons to gear up again.

Bug Reports / getmangos.eu value for affected version?
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:21:13 am »
I must select an option before I can submit bug reports and I have no idea which one. Please let me know, thanks!

Bug Reports / Re: Cosmic Ray bug thread
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:24:12 am »
Daario and I logged on to continue leveling in Duskwood but some things we are not able to loot and we get the message saying something about not being able to loot that item right now. It happened with quest items and he was unable to loot herbs he gathered as well. This wasn't happening yesterday while we were in Duskwood.

Seems to be fixed now so nevermind :)

Well we just logged on again, seems to be some kind of party bug. It worked the 2nd time because I tried it alone out of party, but when we are grouped we have the same issue.

Bug Reports / Cosmic Ray latency and crashing
« on: October 04, 2014, 04:06:46 pm »
Another player reported latency issues on the server and I confirm experiencing the those things as well. This started yesterday and is going on today too.  It hasn't stopped me from playing but it has caused a few deaths. Just giving a heads up :)

Community General Discussion / Re: Multiboxing
« on: October 02, 2014, 02:00:23 pm »
Great, thanks for the response!

Community General Discussion / Multiboxing
« on: October 01, 2014, 06:17:03 pm »
I had some issues with multiboxing, I wanted to level my own main plus an alt and my husbands (while he's at work). I didn't initially figure out that it was because I had multiple instances of wow running. Basically if I log on 2 or 3 wow.exe I have display issues such as missing buildings, objects floating in the air, and invisible barriers in my path making it impossible to multibox. I then tried logging into one character and had the same issue until I cleared WDB and relogged again. I tried all those steps twice to be sure and it turned out the same way even on another server. Is this something that can be fixed? I'd never seen this problem before so I don't know if this is a server thing or something is wrong with my game files.

Bug Reports / Re: Cosmic Ray bug thread
« on: October 01, 2014, 03:19:19 pm »
Stormwind and Ironforge do not mark my character as rested while in them.

The quest 3861 (Cluck!) Does show for me when I cluck at chickens but it does not accept the special chicken feed in my bags.

The defias smugglers in Westfall, their daggers show as cubes when they throw them at you.

Defias looters in Westfall and murloc lurkers in Elwynn backstab me even though they are in front of me.

Other than that, 14 levels with no real issues is amazing!

Community General Discussion / Loving the server so far!
« on: October 01, 2014, 12:45:58 am »
Not many options for a vanilla pve server and between this one and another I was on for a while, I much prefer this one so far. I do have one question, I have been voting and checked the item shop for voting and donation rewards but nothing is showing for me. Is this a bug or is there no shop yet? Of course I will continue to vote but it's always nice to get a little something (non game breaking) from the shop. Even some things that can be temporary till there is a higher population such as profession items needed from other characters like rods for enchanting and salt shakers for leatherworkers, bags, 3% hp/mp food etc. Keep up the good work, back to leveling for me!

Pages: [1]

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