« on: October 05, 2014, 09:37:57 pm »
I've started questing in Northrend and I'm working on a detailed post on all quests that's broken.
I'm currently doing Dragonblight; it's hard to create a post about this since if one quest is broken, I can no longer continue testing because of all the quest-lines there is in Northrend.
Here's a less detailed post to start out with, will make a more detailed in-depth post with questnames and itemnames that are broken next weekend.
[s:1lpgfwtw]Howling Fjord, first few quests doesn't work. Feeding dog isn't possible.[/s:1lpgfwtw] Seems fixed now.
[s:1lpgfwtw]Borean Thundra, can do first starter quests, phasing seems odd, questing suddenly stops after 6-7 quests, no NPC's[/s:1lpgfwtw] Seems fixed now.
Sholazar Basin, all quests I've done so far works fine(done 30x), no bugged quests at the moment, don't think there will be any either.
Zul'drak, Questing is fine everywhere, only few quests I couldn't do was the one where you turn in to a ghoul for the NPC "Stefan", the item doesn't work.
Storm Peaks, questing seems fine up until Brunnhildar Village (First quest where you are supposed to turn into a viking-woman, phasing seems off since the quests suddenly stops and there's no NPC with more quests, anywhere.
Icecrown, can't complete "Scourge Tactics" it's broken (First quest available) so can't continue questing in Ice Crown, need to complete this in order to "unluck" the rest of Icecrown's questlines.
Argent Tournament, can't pick up a lance and thus one is not able to start questing here at all.