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Messages - Unkle Nuke

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Introduce Yourself / Been long overdue!
« on: June 19, 2014, 09:41:07 am »
It's about time I signed up here at Covenant! Glad to be here and join in the fun.  8)

I'm a huge WoW fan, but like to play for fun. I'm not the sort that will use those online tools to calculate my Gear iLvl or DPS to the n-th decimal, preferring to just take it as it comes while adventuring in Azeroth. I love exploring, poking my nose into corners (sometimes that gets me in trouble!), have to do every quest, and will run every dungeon, raid, and battleground I can. I'm not too good with dueling and arenas, but always willing to give it a shot and try learning to be better at PvP.

If I can help to build up Covenant, please let me know.

Really looking forward to seeing what you've done with the servers, Max!  ;)

Suggestion Area / Re: playerbot &Ahbot !!
« on: June 19, 2014, 09:20:54 am »
Not sure if this counts as necro-posting, given the low user count. I beg your pardon if it is.

Unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do about the Playerbot lag, aside from tweaking the database settings to gain some speed. Limiting players to using no more than two or three bots is the only way to get significantly better performance. Ideally, Playerbot should be run on a separate machine as the AI for each bot can use a lot of system resources, but blueboy has never bothered to create it as a standalone module.

Back when cyberium was developing this version of AHBot, the biggest issue was database lag. Typically, you'd run into this whenever the bot would refresh after each auction cycle. The higher your item count in the AHBot settings, the worse the lag would become.

Back when I had my private server, I found that keeping the number of items stocked by the bot below five-thousand worked well. If you only have a handful of players per server, you may wish to reduce this to two-thousand or less. Also, you can change the SQL DB config to use MyISAM instead of InnoDB for the AHBot database. MyISAM is optimized for speed, where InnoDB includes extra safety checks to preserve data integrity which isn't necessarily that critical for AHBot items.

There are alternative SQL database engines available, such as Falcon, which claim to have much greater I/O speed than the standard engines provided by MySQL.

You might want to look at the MaNGOS forum archives, where there is a very well-written thread on database optimization. There's a large number of ways to tweak your settings to increase performance.

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