ive since some days ago started playing on your vanilla funserver and ive come up with some ideas. I hit level 60 two days ago with my brother in a total playtime of 4 hours. My question is how come you guys dont make it instant instead?
I have played on several funservers and ive noticed that instant 60 is better than having 30% levling because players can actually enjoy instances, timed quests, pvp and raids. I saw 5 people online yesterday, and only me and my brother were level 60. How boring isnt that?
So my suggestion is: instant 60, start with the same gear (D2), free low level weapons and free spells. That way you can actually do instances and gear up for raids, also PvP. Its really awesome that you guys have made instances and raids easier to do, which makes it fun for the players even with having low pop. I brought some friends over from a other funserver, but many of them were dissapointed with not being instant 60. Its not that its hard to level, its just that it is simply boring and people looking for funserver wants something else rather than spending 4 hours levling (not affording spells to kill mobs). One last thing i would love to have here is a pvp coin system. PvPers usually dont do alot of raids etc because they really just prefer PvP. So why not make a coin system that rewards killing the other faction? The higher damage you cause the enemy player, more gold you receive when the enemy is killed. The gold could be used to buying materials for proffesions, mounts etc. Even a npc that sells good items for a very high price? To make my suggestion in a form of a list:
- Instant 60
- Free spells - except ranks obtained by instance/raids
- Free low level weps (lvl 30-45 weps)
- Free D2 and low level offset gear (lvl 30-45)
- PvP Coin system?
- Expensive NPC gear/weapon seller
- Free talent reseter
- No durability loss?
- Lower resstime, 25 sec each time you die if possible, instead of 2 min
What do you guys think? Are these good ideas or just waste of time?
Thank you guys for taking your time!
Apothys In-game