Name: Sam Alexander
Played WoW since: since the late vanilla then played TBC on retail for couple months then Quit and then played other Vanilla Private server for like 3 years
Do you have any GM experience? Yes, I was a GM in Evilbox the realm was called Genesis and the PvE realm was called Exodus
What are you going to do if you see a hacker? I will warn him first time and tell him not to use it again if he will do it again he will get a 48hours banned and if he use it again he will get a banned forever
Can you do something to increase the server population? I will make a Promo Video which show the good Points of the sever and why they should join.
Do you have experience with testing? Yes , and i did all raids encounters up to Naxxramas so i can notice the Bugs and the wrong sides.
What position do you apply for? Iam applying for a Senior Gamemaster or A Game master with rank of 3-2
Do you know the GM rules? Yes , and i know what to do and what not to do as a GM
A player tells you in a ticket or world chat or whisper that a quest doesn't work and he wants you to complete it for him. What are you going to do? I will not Complete any quests ,if it is bugged i will post it on forum and if its resolvable i will try to do my best to help him
Do you have any scripting or programming experience? No , Not really i never did Any type of scripting but ready to learn if needed like doing Repacks